NaPoWriMo2024 Day 10

2 min readApr 10, 2024

Today’s prompt is to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print.

Mine is based on a bit from “Dame Curtsey Says,” published December 26, 1921 in the Wichita Beacon.

Etiquette for Gentlemen Callers
by ARHuelsenbeck

When calling on a young woman whom you fancy,
arrive at her family's door no earlier than 3 pm.
Have your calling card ready
to give to the doorman.
Ask to speak to the young woman's father.
When he has given his permission
for you to see his daughter,
wait quietly and patiently in the parlor.
You may sit,
but don't touch anything.
When the young lady enters the room,
Offer your hand.
Kiss hers once.
Introduce yourself.
Ask her questions about herself.
What does she like to do?
Does she speak any foreign language?
Can she play piano?
Nod and smile.
Talk very little about yourself.
Reveal one of your finest characteristics,
but don't brag.
When the hour is over,
stand and say you must leave.
When you reach the door, turn and ask,
"May I see you again?"
If the answer is no, slip through the door
as quickly and quietly as possible.
If yes, smile, bow deeply and leave.

About Andrea R Huelsenbeck

Andrea R Huelsenbeck is a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a former elementary general music teacher. A freelance writer in the 1990s, her nonfiction articles and book reviews appeared in Raising Arizona Kids, Christian Library Journal, and other publications. She is currently working on a middle grades novel and a poetry collection.

Originally published at on April 10, 2024.




Former elementary general music teacher. Wife, mother of 5, grandma of 3. Blogging about the arts and the creative process at