ARHuelsenbeckReviews of Imago, Dei by Elizabeth Johnston Ambrose and Keep It Moving by Twyla TharpImago, Dei is a chapbook of poems. I don’t know if these poems are autobiographical, but I hope not. Because if they are, then the poet’s…Sep 7Sep 7
ARHuelsenbeckWhat I Learned on DuolingoDo you know about Duolingo, the language-learning website? There’s a free version and a premium version. I am on my daughter’s family plan…Sep 3Sep 3
ARHuelsenbeckThe ABCs of Quilting, Part II: C-EHere is the second installment of our Quilting ABCs. If you missed it, the first installment is here.Aug 31Aug 31
ARHuelsenbeckE is for Elements of ArtThis article was first posted on ARHtistic License on April 6, 2016.Aug 27Aug 27
ARHuelsenbeckTwo Book Reviews: Rezzies Revolt and Native American WisdomI read these books last year, but haven’t gotten around to reviewing them.Aug 24Aug 24
ARHuelsenbeckWordless Wednesday: Cactus**Sorry for not being wordless today. I don’t know what kind of cactus this is. When we moved into our house 36 years ago, this was a…Aug 21Aug 21
ARHuelsenbeckHanding Down NamesMy parents named me Andrea Gabriela. My father’s name was Andreas, so my first name is after him. My middle name is for his aunt, who was a…Aug 20Aug 20
ARHuelsenbeckThe ABCs of Quilting, Part I: A & BThis is by no means a complete list of quilting terms and techniques. My original intent was to come up with one aspect of quilting for…Aug 17Aug 17